Fluke ScopeMeter 190-204-III Portable Oscilloscopes

Short Description:

ScopeMeter 190-204-III Include:

  • ScopeMeter 190-204-III
  • BC190/830 power adapter
  • Power cord set
  • Lithium-ion battery pack BP291
  • Probe VPS410-II (4x)
  • carrying strap
  • Carrying strap
  • USB cable
  • Printed instructions
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Fluke ScopeMeter 190 204 III Portable Oscilloscopes

The Fluke ScopeMeter 190-204-III Portable Oscilloscopes is versatile, handheld instruments designed for troubleshooting and maintaining electronic systems. Here are some key features and specifications:

Handy high-performance oscilloscopes for harsh environments

The Fluke 190 Series III ScopeMeter® is designed for use anywhere and for almost any troubleshooting task. They provide a high level of safety in the CAT III 1000 V/CAT IV 600 V measurement classes and combine ruggedness and handling with the high performance of a benchtop oscilloscope. This means you can easily master the installation, operation and maintenance of industrial machinery, automation and process control as well as power conversion electronics – from DC to 500 MHz.

Two- and four-channel models are available as well as different sampling rates and bandwidths. Fast sampling rate up to 5.0 GS/s, resolution up to 200 ps and large memory for 10,000 sample points per channel enable highly accurate acquisition and detailed display of waveforms, noise and other signals. Make measurements involving timing or amplitude on three-phase systems or three-axis drives, or simply compare multiple measurement points in the circuit under test. Features like TrendPlot™ recording, ScopeRecord™ mode, Connect and View™ activation, and unique 100-screen playback help you quickly diagnose problems to minimize repair costs and downtime . Thanks to these features, the oscilloscope can be used simply and flexibly, especially for diagnosing the most difficult problems, such as complex signal patterns, inductive noise, event signal interruption, fluctuation or deviation.

Fluke 190 204 III Features

  • Safety for industrial environments according to measurement categories CAT III 1000 V/CAT IV 600 V
  • Automatically capture, display and analyze complex waveforms.
  • Large, bright color screen for easy readability outdoors
  • USB and WiFi download for data analysis with FlukeView® software
  • Up to four independent, separate inputs for potential-free measurements up to 1000 V

Fluke 190-204-III Specifications:

Oscilloscope functions
190-062 190-102 190-202 190-502 190-104 190-204 190-504
Vertical deflection
amount of channels 2 2 2 2 4 4 4
Bandwidth 60MHz 100MHz 200MHz 500MHz 100MHz 200MHz 500MHz
Rise time 5.8 ns 3.5 ns 1.7 ns 0.7 ns 3.5 ns 1.7 ns 0.7 ns
Number of oscilloscope inputs 2 input channels and external trigger signal 4 input channels
Entrance architecture All inputs are completely isolated from each other and from ground potential. Inputs can be activated in any combination.
Input coupling AC or DC, with earth potential display
Input sensitivity With 10:1 probes: 20 mV to 1000 V/div
With 100:1 probes: 200 mV to 10 kV/div
Direct (1:1): 2 mV to 100 V/div
Bandwidth limitation 20MHz and 10kHz
polarity Normal, Inverted, Variable
Input voltage According to EN 61010-1 measurement categories CAT III 1,000 V/CAT IV 600 V, further information under “General technical data”
Vertical resolution 8 bits
Error limit at 10 s to 4 s/div 5 mV/div to 100 V/div, ± (1.5% of mean + 6 counts)
2 mV/div, ± (1.5% of mean + 10 counts)
Input impedance 1 MΩ (± 1%) // 15 pF (± 2.25 pF)
Maximum real-time sampling rate (with simultaneous sampling) 625 MS/s
(each channel)
1.25 GS/s (each channel) 2.5 GS/s (each channel) 5 GS/s (1-channel) or
2.5 GS/s (2-channel)
1.25 GS/s (each channel) 2.5 GS/s (2-channel)
1.25 GS/s (4-channel)
5 GS/s (1-channel) or 2.5 GS/s (2-channel) or 1.25 GS/s (4-channel)
Record length Up to 10,000 samples per channel
Time base area 10 ns/div
to 4 s/div
5 ns/div
to 4 s/div
2 ns/div
to 4 s/div
1 ns/div
to 4 s/div
5 ns/div
to 4 s/div
2 ns/div
to 4 s/div
1 ns/div
to 4 s/div
Time base in a 1-2-4 sequence
Slower time/scale division settings in ScopeRecord™ roll mode (see “Recorder Features”)
Maximum recording length 10,000 samples per channel in oscilloscope mode
30,000 points per channel in ScopeRecord™ roll mode (see “Recorder Features”)
Timeline accuracy ± (0.01% of mean + 1 pixel)
Glitch capture 8 ns (10 µs/div to 2 min/div)
Screen and capture
Screen Bright color LCD screen, 133 mm x 90 mm (5.3″ x 3.5″)
Display modes Any combination of channels; Average On/Off, Replay.
Visible screen width 12 horizontal sections in oscilloscope mode
Digital persistence modes Off, Short, Medium, Long, Infinite and Envelope mode
Waveform math One (190-xx2) or two (190-x04) mathematical operations on 2 input channels (A and B, C and D): add, subtract, multiply; XY mode; Frequency spectrum with FFT
Acquisition modes Normal, Average, Auto, Single Shot, ScopeRecord™ Roll Mode, Glitch Capture, Waveform Comparison with Automatic Pass/Fail Check, Replay
Trigger and delay
source Input A, B or external (via multimeter input) Input A, B, C or D
Types of triggers Automatic, edge, pulse width, N-cycle, external (190-xx2)
Connect And View™ Advanced automatic triggering detects signal patterns, automatically sets up triggering, time base and amplitude, and continuously adjusts these settings. Automatically displays stable waveforms of complex and dynamic signals such as: B. Motor drive and control signals. Can be switched off if desired.
Pulse width triggering (on channel A) Pulse width, time qualified.
Allows triggering at <t, >t, =t, ≠ t, where t can be selected in steps of minimum 0.01 div or 50 ns
Time Delay A full screen with view before triggering or up to 100 screens (=1,200 divisions) with delay after triggering
Two-edge triggering Triggering on rising and falling edges equally
N-cycle triggering Fires on the Nth occurrence of a trigger event; N adjustable from 2 to 99
Automatic capture of the last 100 screen contents
In oscilloscope mode, the instrument ALWAYS saves the last 100 screens – without prior setup by the user. If an anomaly occurs, the entire event history can be displayed on the screen as often as desired using the REPLAY button. The measuring device can be set up to detect glitches or intermittent anomalies and then detects up to 100 predefined events in “babysitter mode”.
Replay Manual or continuous repetition. Displays the 100 recorded screen contents as a “live” animation, or manually controlled. Each screen has a date and time marker.
Playback memory Ten sets of 100 screens each can be saved internally for later analysis. Save additional sets directly to external flash memory drive on USB host port.
FFT – frequency spectrum analysis
Displays the frequency spectrum of the signal using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
Window Automatic, Hamming, Hanning or none
Automatic window Digitally resamples the recorded waveform to achieve optimal frequency resolution for the FFT result.
Vertical scale Linear/logarithmic (in V or A)
Frequency axis Logarithmic, frequency range automatically set as a function of the oscilloscope’s timebase range
Signal shape comparison and pass/fail check
Waveform comparison Allows storage and display of a reference waveform for visual comparison with newly acquired waveforms. The reference is derived from a captured waveform and can be edited in the oscilloscope.
Pass/fail test In waveform comparison mode, the oscilloscope can be set to save only matching (“good”) or only non-matching (“bad”) waveforms to the playback memory bank for further analysis.
Automatic oscilloscope measurements
V DC, V AC rms, V AC+DC, Vpeak max, Vpeak min, Vpeak-peak, A AC, A DC, A AC+DC, frequency (in Hz), rise time (with cursor), fall time (with cursor) , power factor (PF), W, VA, VA reactive power, phase (between 2 inputs A and B or C and D), pulse width (pos./neg.), duty cycle (pos./neg.), temperature °C, dBV, dBm at 50 Ω and 600 Ω, VVPWM AC and VVPWM (AC+DC) for measurements on pulse width modulated drive motors and frequency converters, V/Hz ratio;
Advanced measurement functions for power and motor drives V/Hz ratio, power factor (PF), W, VA, VA reactive power, VPWM (AC) and VPWM (AC+DC) for measurement on pulse width modulated drive motors and frequency converters
Cursor measurements
source Signal shape at any input or result of a mathematical calculation (without XY mode)
Two horizontal lines Voltage at cursor 1 and at cursor 2, voltage between cursor positions
Two vertical lines Time between cursor positions, 1/T between cursor positions (in Hz), voltage between marks, rise time with marks, fall time with marks; Vrms between cursor positions, Watts between cursor positions.
Single vertical line Min./Max. and average voltage at cursor position; Frequency and RMS value of individual frequency component in the FFT resultant
Advanced features mA*s (current over time, between cursor points); V*s (voltage over time, between cursor points); W*s (energy, between cursor points)
ZOOM buttons (plus/minus) Ranges from an overview of the entire data recording to zooming in on individual sample values, regardless of the recording length.
Multimeter functions
190-062 190-102 190-202 190-502 190-104 190-204 190-504
Multimeter inputs Via 4 mm banana plug, galvanically isolated from oscilloscope inputs and device ground Via BNC oscilloscope inputs
Number of measurements Individually via multimeter input Up to 4 automatic oscilloscope measurements simultaneously
Maximum resolution Display size 5,000 Display range ± 999
(frequency: display range 9,999)
Input impedance 1 MΩ (±1%) // 14 pF (±1.5 pF) 1 MΩ (±1%) // 15 pF (±2.25 pF)
Additional multimeter functions Automatic and manual range selection, relative measurements (zero point reference), TrendPlot™ recording
The specified accuracy applies to the temperature range from 18 °C to 28 °C. If the temperature exceeds 28 °C or falls below 18 °C, 10% of the specified accuracy must be added for each degree °C.
DC voltage accuracy ±(0.5% of mv + 6 counts) ±(1.5% of mv + 6 counts)
Accuracy AC voltage (true effective)
15Hz to 60Hz ±(1% of mv. + 10 counts) ±(1.5% of mv + 10 counts)
60Hz to 1kHz ±(2.5% of mv + 15 counts)
60Hz to 20kHz ±(2.5% of mv + 15 counts)
Accuracy AC voltage + DC voltage (true effective)
15Hz to 60Hz ±(1% of mv. + 10 counts) ±(1.5% of mv + 10 counts)
60Hz to 1kHz ±(2.5% of mv + 15 counts)
60Hz to 20kHz ±(2.5% of mv + 15 counts)
Measuring ranges for voltage 500mV, 5V, 50V, 500V, 1100V
Measuring ranges 500Ω, 5kΩ, 50kΩ, 500kΩ, 5MΩ, 30MΩ
accuracy ±(0.6% of mv + 6 counts)
More multimeter functions
Continuity test Beep at <50 Ω (±30 Ω)
Diode test up to 2.8 V
Current (A) A DC, A AC, A AC+DC with scaling factors for optional current clamp or shunt: 0.1 mV/A, 1 mV/A to 100 V/A and 400 mV/A
temperature With optional accessories. Scaling factors 1mV/°C or 1mV/°F
Recorder features
190-062 190-102 190-202 190-502 190-104 190-204 190-504
ScopeRecord™ Roll Mode
Storage mode for signals on two or more inputs using deep memory
Source and display Input A, input B, two inputs.
All channels are sampled simultaneously.
Any combination of inputs, up to 4 channels.
All channels are sampled simultaneously.
Memory depth 30,000 data points per channel, each point contains pairs of values ​​for minimum and maximum
Min/Max values Min/Max values ​​are generated when samples are taken at high sampling rates. This ensures glitches are captured and displayed.
Recorder features Single deflection, continuous rolling operation; Start-on trigger (via external signal); Stop-on trigger (via external signal) Single deflection, continuous rolling operation; Start-on trigger (through any channel); Stop-on trigger (through any channel)
Stop-on trigger The ScopeRecord function can be stopped by a single trigger event or by interrupting a repeating trigger signal from any input channel (by external signal on the 190-XX2 series).
Horizontal scaling Time since start, time
zoom Ranges from an overview of the complete data recording to zooming in on individual sample values
Storage Two ScopeRecord waveforms for multiple inputs can be stored internally for later analysis.
Sample rate and time period for recording in ScopeRecord™ roll mode
Time base area 4 ms/div to 2 min/div
Recorded time span 4.8 s to 40 h
Time/Division in Show All Mode 0.4 s/div to 4 h/div
Glitch capture 8 ns
sampling rate 125MS/s
resolution 160 μs to 4.8 s
TrendPlot™ recording
Works like a paperless electronic multi-channel recorder. Plots, saves and displays measurement results graphically over time. Up to four automatic oscilloscope measurements or one multimeter measurement.
Source and display Any combination of oscilloscope measurements on any input channels or multimeter measurements (2-channel versions)
Memory depth 19,200 points (sets) per recording. A min, a max and an average value as well as a date and time stamp are saved for each recorded sampling point.
areas Normal view: 5 s/div to 30 min/div; in “Show all” mode: 5 min/div to 48 h/div (entire data set at a glance)
Recorded time span Up to 22 days with 102 second resolution; up to 5.5 days for 4 readings.
Recorder mode Continuous recording starting at 5 s/div with automatic timescale compression
Measuring speed Three or more automatic measurements per second
Horizontal scaling Time since start, time
zoom Zoom out up to 64x for overview of complete data recording, zoom in up to 10x for maximum detail, with live updating when captured
Storage Two TrendPlot recordings for multiple inputs can be saved internally for later analysis.
Cursor measurements – all recorder operating modes
source Any signal form in any signal display mode (Scope, ScopeRecord or TrendPlot)
Two vertical lines Cursor positions can be used to determine the minimum, maximum or average value of each data point in a recording, as well as the time between cursor positions.



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