In order to measure voltage, current, resistance, and other things, are you looking for a new multimeter? Do you want to know the best multimeter for your demands and price range? In that case, you’ve found the right location. I’ll be comparing ten multimeters from the site in this article that can do more than simply test the fundamentals.
We’ll compare ten multimeters from the site that can measure more than just voltage, current, and resistance in this part. They can also measure low resistance, assess insulation resistance, and take thermal photographs.
Based on their similar characteristics and roles, We shall pair them off into five groups. We’ll also go over each pair’s key distinctions and how they impact your measurement experience.
Here is how they compare:
The Rigol DM3068 or the Hioki DT4282 are two options to consider if you’re searching for a multimeter that can handle any measuring task with great performance and functionality. They are multimeters’ super stars.
They can display up to six digits after the decimal point because to its 6.5 digit resolution. They are therefore extremely exact and precise. Additionally, they contain a dual display that allows them to simultaneously display two metrics. They are therefore incredibly practical and effective. They can also take a lot of readings quickly thanks to their quick sample rate. As a result, they are incredibly dependable and responsive.
Additionally, they can perform mathematical operations, histograms, and trend charts. You can use these features to examine and process your data in many ways. For instance, you can log your measurements using the data recording function, and then use the histogram or trend chart tool to see how they change or vary over time.
Additionally, you can compute statistics, ratios, or percentages of your measurements using the math functions. You may better comprehend your data and make decisions by using these features.
he sole distinction is that the Hioki DT4282 has an IR and Bluetooth interface, whereas the Rigol DM3068 has a LAN and USB interface. You can connect to and communicate with other devices using these interfaces.
For instance, you can connect your multimeter to your PC or network using the LAN or USB interface, and then use the Rigol UltraSigma program to remotely control or monitor your multimeter.
You may also link your multimeter to your smartphone or tablet using the Bluetooth or IR interface, and then view or share your measurements wirelessly using the Hioki Gennect Cross app. You can transfer your data effortlessly and securely with the aid of these interfaces.
You can decide which one best meets your connectivity requirements.
Consider the FLIR DM285 if you want a multimeter that can use a covert weapon to inspect and diagnose electrical and thermal issues. The spy of multimeters, it is. It has an insulation tester with a 200G range and a genuine RMS multimeter with a 4-digit resolution.
If a multimeter is truly RMS, it can reliably measure AC signals regardless of whether they are sine waves or not. As an insulation tester, it can assess the insulation’s resistance and guard against short circuits and leakage currents. It is quite adaptable and practical for monitoring many properties of your circuits or components thanks to these features.
A 160 x 120 infrared camera that can detect temperatures between -10°C and 400°C is its hidden weapon, though. Its ability to capture thermal images of your target and display the temperature distribution on a color scale makes it an infrared camera.
It can assist you in spotting issues like hot spots, loose connections, overloaded circuits, and other problems that might lead to damage or malfunction but are unseen to the unaided eye.
For instance, you can scan a panel board or a motor with the infrared camera to look for any hot patches that would point to a potential issue. The infrared camera can also be used to measure an object or surface’s temperature without actually touching it.
You can stay away from potentially hazardous or delicate regions by doing this. Additionally, it offers wireless connectivity, which enables you to send data and pictures to a tablet or smartphone. It also includes FLIR Tools software, which enables you to edit, examine, and produce reports from your photographs.
For instance, you can modify your photos’ color scheme, contrast, or brightness with the FLIR Tools software. Your photographs can also have measurements, annotations, or notes. With your photographs and data, you can also produce expert reports and export them in various formats. These features might make it simple for you to record your findings and distribute them to others.
The Hioki DT4281 or the Hioki DT4261 are two options to consider if you’re looking for a multimeter that can measure high voltages and currents reliably and safely with a high safety rating. They serve as multimeters’ security guards.
When measuring high voltages and currents in industrial environments, they have a CAT IV 600V and CAT III 1000V safety rating, which means they can shield you from electric shocks and arc flashes.
They can display up to five digits after the decimal point thanks to their 5-digit resolution. They are therefore extremely exact and precise. They can measure your signals quickly and correctly because they have a quick response time.
They are particularly dependable and trustworthy for measuring high voltages and currents due to their characteristics. Additionally, they offer capabilities that can assist you in reducing background noise, measuring AC and DC signals concurrently, storing readings, and lighting your workspace.
The low-pass filter tool, for instance, can be used to reduce high-frequency noise in your tests and produce more accurate findings. Additionally, the AC+DC mode capability allows you to simultaneously measure the AC and DC components of a mixed signal and obtain more detailed data. Additionally, you may freeze your readings on the display by using the auto-hold mode, and you can use the backlight option to see your readings clearly at night.
They are very practical and simple to use for measuring high voltages and currents thanks to these capabilities. The Hioki DT4281 can measure up to 1000V DC and 10A AC/DC, while the Hioki DT4261 can measure up to 600V DC and 5A AC/DC. This is the only distinction. You can decide on the option that best fits your measurement range.
For instance, you should pick the Hioki DT4281 if you need to measure voltages or currents more than 600V DC or 5A AC/DC.
The Extech MG320 or the Kyoritsu KEW 1061 are two options to consider if you’re looking for a multimeter that can test insulation resistance and other parameters using an insulation tester and a genuine RMS multimeter.
They are multimeters’ multitaskers. They have an insulation tester with a 200G range and a genuine RMS multimeter with a 4-digit resolution.
If a multimeter is truly RMS, it can reliably measure AC signals regardless of whether they are sine waves or not. As an insulation tester, it can assess the insulation’s resistance and guard against short circuits and leakage currents.
It is quite adaptable and practical for monitoring many properties of your circuits or components thanks to these features. They can also measure diode, capacitance, low resistance, and continuity. You can use these capabilities to measure additional circuit or component parameters. To measure the resistance of cables or contacts, for instance, utilize the low resistance function.
The continuity function can be used to determine whether a circuit has a clear channel for current to flow. The diode function can also be used to determine whether a diode is functioning correctly or not. The capacitance function can also be used to gauge a device’s or a capacitor’s capacitance.
It is highly practical and beneficial for monitoring various properties of your circuits or components thanks to these features. Depending on your demands, they also include an additional function that can assist you detect temperature or current. For instance, you can utilize the infrared thermometer capability to gauge an object or surface’s temperature without actually touching it.
You can stay away from potentially hazardous or delicate regions by doing this. The AC/DC current clamp feature can also be used to measure a conductor’s current without disrupting the circuit.
By doing this, you can prevent harming the circuit or interrupting the power supply. The sole distinction is that the Kyoritsu KEW 1061 contains an AC/DC current clamp that can measure up to 1000A while the Extech MG320 features an infrared thermometer that can measure temperatures between -50°C and 550°C. You can select the one with the additional feature you require the most.
The Kaise SK-3800 or the Kyoritsu KEW 1062 are two options to consider if you’re looking for a multimeter that can measure low resistance with great accuracy and precision using a 4-wire resistance measurement capability.
They are multimeter industry experts. They have a 4-wire resistance measurement capability that has a 4-digit precision and can measure values between 0.01m and 4000.
A 4-wire resistance measurement function eliminates lead resistance mistakes by measuring resistance with four wires as opposed to two. Because of this, it can measure low resistance values with extreme precision and accuracy. They are highly accurate and precise for measuring low resistance.
Additionally, they contain capabilities that let you compare relative readings, auto-range, store your data, and monitor the state of your battery. For instance, you can use the auto-range option to choose the ideal range for your measurements automatically and obtain more precise results. The relative mode function can also be used to compare your measurements to a reference value and highlight any differences.
to check your battery level and prevent low battery issues, use the display and the battery check option. They are very practical and simple to use for measuring low resistance values thanks to these qualities.
The Kyoritsu KEW 1062 features an external power supply and a smaller LCD display without backlight, whereas the Kaise SK-3800 has an internal rechargeable battery and a large LCD display with lighting. You can decide on the device with the better battery life and display.
I compared ten multimeters from the website in this article that are capable of doing additional measurements besides voltage, current, and resistance. Based on the similarities in their characteristics and functions, I paired them up into five groups.
I also discussed how the key variations between each pair impact your measurement experience. The comparison’s key points are as follows:
The two top multimeters are the Hioki DT4282 and the Rigol DM3068. They have a dual display, a quick sampling rate, and a 6.5 digit resolution. They are capable of histograms, trend charts, math operations, and data logging.
The sole distinction is that the Hioki DT4282 has an IR and Bluetooth interface, whereas the Rigol DM3068 has a LAN and USB interface.
The spy of multimeters is the FLIR DM285 camera. It has an insulation tester with a 200G range and a genuine RMS multimeter with a 4-digit resolution.
A 160 x 120 infrared camera that can detect temperatures between -10°C and 400°C is its hidden weapon, though. Additionally, it contains data storage, wifi networking, and FLIR Tools software.
The safety nets of multimeters are the Hioki DT4281 and DT4261. They have a 5-digit resolution, a quick reaction time, and a CAT IV 600V and CAT III 1000V safety rating. They are capable of accurately and safely measuring high voltages and currents.
Additionally, they have features like backlight, auto-hold, low-pass filter, and AC+DC mode. The Hioki DT4281 can measure up to 1000V DC and 10A AC/DC, while the Hioki DT4261 can measure up to 600V DC and 5A AC/DC. This is the only distinction.
The multitasking multimeters are the Kyoritsu KEW 1061 and the Extech MG320. They have an insulation tester with a 200G range and a genuine RMS multimeter with a 4-digit resolution. They can also measure diode, capacitance, low resistance, and continuity. Depending on your demands, they also include an additional function that can assist you detect temperature or current.
The sole distinction is that the Kyoritsu KEW 1061 contains an AC/DC current clamp that can measure up to 1000A while the Extech MG320 features an infrared thermometer that can measure temperatures between -50°C and 550°C.
The experts in multimeters are the Kaise SK-3800 and the Kyoritsu KEW 1062. They have a 4-wire resistance measurement capability that has a 4-digit precision and can measure values between 0.01m and 4000. They are highly accurate and precise for measuring low resistance. Additionally, they contain attributes like auto-range, relative mode, data hold, and battery check. The Kyoritsu KEW 1062 features an external power supply and a smaller LCD display without backlight, whereas the Kaise SK-3800 has an internal rechargeable battery and a large LCD display with lighting.